The Journey is the life story of an Iranian athlete who escaped the hardship and repressive society of his country. It depicts ‘Life in the Middle East,’ and his tenacious struggle for freedom. Fleeing Iran and coming to America with his family, he discovers many more obstacles to overcome in establishing a new life. Through perseverance he is able to create a happy, successful life.
Although our hero left Iran and a corrupt government to live in a free country, he is and remains proud of his Persian culture. While describing and depicting a restrictive society, he is forthright in mentioning his admiration for the many valuable traits and traditions exhibited by Iranians.
The heinous act of 9/11/2001 and America’s response with war and hatred toward Moslems, resulting in further deaths to thousands of innocent civilians and creating a “Nation of Fear” in the United States, leads him at the age of 65 to emigrate once more in search of peace and harmony to New Zealand.
Firooz E. Zadeh has been a successful educator at both public schools and college level and is now utilizing that experience as an enrichment lecturer for cruise lines. He has an exceptional talent in inspiring his audience to respect different cultures and nationalities for who they are and what they believe in. His understanding of international affairs makes him a fascinating writer, lecturer and a true citizen of the world. He was born and raised in Iran, where he became a national champion in soccer and track. Finding his life restricted by political repression in his own home country, he fled to America and continued his graduate studies in the United States. Upon his retirement Mr. Zadeh was given the accolade of “outstanding teacher.” His book Islam versus Terrorism describing an Intimate View of Understanding Islam and the Culture of the Middle East is another book not to be missed.
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