Not a Daffodil in Sight
Paperback | English
We are sentient beings. We wander through life, through experiences, events in our daily journeys and seldom do we take stock of the bigger picture that is life. Seldom do we look at the individual events of each waking moment, each day, each week, each year and examine them in the totality of the universe. The universe we perceive as an infinite entity and our lives finite. It is an interesting exercise then to wonder if our individual experiences coupled with the experiences of others are worthy of notice, worthy of sharing in the hope that this life we have, makes sense, has a broader purpose in this infinite expanse we term the universe. Each of these poems are events in my life that I have tried to make some meaning of to explain this existence. They are my conversations to the universe and to anyone reading them, a chance to share in the dialogue.
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