Make A U-Turn When Possible
Paperback | English
They should have listened to the world’s foremost theoretical physicist where SETI was concerned. That’s what Tony believed. Find the aliens but don’t tell them where we are! But the other experts thought they knew best. Then the Harvesters arrived – rounding up and carting off any humans that crossed their paths.
Forced to flee along the South African coast, Tony and his companions discover an ancient spacecraft in a remote cave. They make their escape from Earth, but a miscalculation causes the craft’s drive to drop them into a region of space unknown even to the artificial intelligence controlling it.
“All we have to do is make a U-Turn, head back to our starting point, and try again!”
Yeah right! It’s bad enough trying to navigate your way home when you only have a two-dimensional area to search. Add a third dimension and then try!
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