Junior Science: Ecology and the Environment
Paperback | English
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Written by Tina Youngman, a National and local award winning teacher for her dedication and commitment to education and innovation in the classroom.
Covers level 3, 4 and 5 of the NZ Curriculum over Years 9 and 10.
Student workbooks are full colour and priced based on page count (40-56 pages).
Provides a solid basis for NCEA sciences (SLO’s, definition of key terms, background information, literacy and numeracy tasks, practical activities and IQFIRE for student inquiry).
Allows more time for investigating and experimenting.
Created for individual students and a variety of abilities.
Full-colour Teacher’s Guide with generic information regarding the NoS, teaching philosophy, teacher notes PLUS access to the free downloadable extras.
Student Workbook: 40 pages
Teacher’s Guide: (available to purchase with a class set)
Free* Downloadable Resource
*Available for free download when a class set and accompanying Teacher’s Guide is purchased.
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