It’s a Devil of a Thing
Paperback | English
One woman’s story
A treatise on 40 years living with verbal abuse
Is there someone in your life who yells at you, belittles you, tries to control you and speaks to you with disrespect or cruel jest? Are your opinions ignored and your accomplishments never acknowledged? When you question this behaviour are you told that it is all in your head which makes you think you must be going crazy? Are you isolated and unable to tell friends or family about the way you are treated? Do other people think the sun shines out of him because they never see the way he treats you? Are you confused because he is often really nice and then without warning will lash out with a mean streak? Have you built an invisible wall around yourself in the hopes of preventing further hurt? Do you think you are the only one who suffers this and that no-one else understands?
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