Fish and Chips The Goldfish (large spiral bound version)
Spiral Bound | English
This is a large (30×31 cm) version of Margaret Scaife’s Fish and Chips the Goldfish. It is snugly spiral bound to sit neatly on a teaching stand. Through countless readings to her junior classes Margaret has found this an excellent shared text which delights and informs children. It is especially useful to complement teaching about animal care.
This is the second of Margaret Scaife’s stories about things that have really happened.
The first was Be Careful What You Eat.
Fish and Chips are two little goldfish who live happily amongst the water weed and snails in their fishbowl until Raewyn cleans their bowl and they end up down the sink!
Fish and Chips is a cautionary tale for children about caring for goldfish, illustrated with delightful drawings by Polly Rabbit.
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