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As It Was – The Life & Adventures of a Murchison Boy


By Thomas Paterson

Paperback | English

5.0 (1 review)

Growing up in Murchison I was always more interested in the great outdoors than in school, which I left at 14 years of age to work on my uncle’s farm. I enjoyed hunting with my mates and spent a lot of time in the backcountry.
Being selected to join the New Zealand Forest Service as a Government Deerculler and a Headman led to my career with National Parks of New Zealand, initially as the Second Ranger in Nelson Lakes National Park in 1965. Subsequently I spent three years in Westland National Park and twelve years in Fiordland National Park.

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210 × 280 mm
Paperback | 124 pages
Printed by
The CopyPress
Publication Date
August 2021
Thomas Paterson

1 review for As It Was – The Life & Adventures of a Murchison Boy

  1. Bill Mannix

    This is a great read! Tom writes so accurately “As It Was” especially of his experiences in the defunct Lands and Survey National Park Service prior to DOCs formation appropriately on April fools day in 1987! He truly reflects the word Service “As It Was” when Rangers were jacks of all trades. Real people who could turn their hands to anything which came their way working and living in the great outdoors! It was not always an easy vocation. Resources and equipment were limited, improvisation was to the fore, and he does not hold back on how he overcame some of those real difficulties. (and there were many!) Tom can join some of those wonderful characters who were around Fiordland in the 70’s and 80’s. Well done Tom. I for one know it was not always easy….
    Bill Mannix (ex Clifden Ranger Fiordland National Park, 1977 > 1983)

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